How to measure cereal without scales. How much does a glass of milk and dairy products weigh

In the old recipe from the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food, published in the middle of the last century, it says: take 1/2 cup of sugar. How to find out how many grams in a glass of sugar? There is a whole shelf of glassware in the kitchen cabinet, but what measure of volume did V.V. Pokhlebkin, when did he write his book? A simple question that has facets and subtleties that can confuse even an experienced hostess.

How much sugar is in a glass

Disputes arise due to the fact that Soviet cookbooks mention thin (tea) and faceted glasses.

If you look at the weight table, how much sugar is in either glass, the following numbers will be found:

Conflicting information about how many grams of sugar in a faceted glass. If poured to the top, with a rim, you get the same amount of sugar as in a thin tea. Why is this data shared? Here you need a historical background.

History of faceted glass

The classic faceted glass has a smooth top rim. Once upon a time, military personnel were given 200 grams of vodka, pouring exactly up to the risk. The soldering was exchanged for tobacco or sugar, poured in the same way to the border, where the edges ended and the edge began. So there was a tradition to consider the measure of a faceted glass for 200 ml.

It has been established how many grams of sugar are in a faceted glass: to the rim - 180, to the brim - 230. Cookbooks say that the measure "glass" means 250 ml. Following the old recipes, you need to measure sugar, pouring to the brim.

How much does a glass of sugar weigh

The faceted rarity of the Soviet era is not in every kitchen. Modern dishes of different shapes and capacities. It is useful to measure your favorite convenient glass so as not to waste time weighing bulk products.

There are three ways:

  • measure with a measuring cup with divisions (beaker);
  • fill the container and weigh it on the scales;
  • calculate how many tablespoons or teaspoons will fit.

A tablespoon holds 25 grams of sugar, if poured with a slide, a teaspoon - 10 grams. The capacity of the glass will be:

You can find out how much a glass of sugar weighs using a tablespoon or a teaspoon. It is useful to take the time to measure in order to quickly pour the right amount of product.

How to measure other bulk products

According to the recipe, you will need to add flour, cereals and other ingredients, which are also convenient to measure with a glass.

To help housewives, a table with the weight of the most common products:

A few subtleties to consider when measuring products:

  1. The weight of sugar can vary depending on the moisture content and the size of the crystals. Fine-crystalline will turn out a little more, large less.
  2. Flour should be measured before sifting, as after it becomes fluffy and fills the glass less densely.
  3. Bulk products should be poured in a thin stream, not scooped up with a glass directly from the bag, so that air cavities do not form inside.
  4. To get a glass filled to the brim, you need to pour "with a slide" and even out the excess with the tip of a knife.

Now we know how many grams of sugar or other product is contained in a glass beaker. In any modern kitchen, you can bake a cupcake according to a recipe from an old cookbook, even if there are no scales and a faceted glass.

Wheat flour - a product obtained from wheat grains, the most popular type of flour used for baking. Wheat baking flour in Russia is subdivided into grits, wallpaper, the highest, first and second grades.

In premium flour or Extra flour, there is quite a bit of gluten (at least 28% according to GOST), it has a pure white color, is used for pastry products, it is often used as a thickener in sauces.

Flour of the first grade is used for non-baking pastries, products from it become stale more slowly, this is the main flour for baking bread.

Second-grade flour contains up to 8% bran, so it is much darker than first-class flour, it is used to make lean products and White bread, and mixed with rye flour- black.

The so-called “whole grain products” are baked from wholemeal flour, due to the presence of bran in such flour, products from it have a higher content of fiber and B vitamins than products from higher grades of flour. Graham flour is historically the first grade of whole wheat flour, popularized in the first half of the 19th century in the USA and Western Europe for nutritional purposes.

How much flour in a tablespoon or teaspoon

A teaspoon holds:

  • without a slide: 6 g flour;
  • with a slide: 10 g flour.

A tablespoon contains:

  • without a slide: 20 g flour;
  • with a slide: 30 g flour.

How much flour in one glass

How are the glasses different?

  • faceted (thick-walled) standard glass holds 200 ml.
  • a tea (thin-walled) glass has a volume of 250 ml;

Filled to the brim faceted glass(200 ml) holds 130 g of flour. If the glass is filled up to the rim, there will be 105 g of flour.

Filled to the brim tea glass(250 ml) holds 160 g of flour. If the glass is filled up to the rim, there will be 130 g of flour.

Table of measures and weights for flour

How many grams of flour are contained in a glass, in a teaspoon or a tablespoon, see the table below. We will pick up spoons with a slide, a glass - full: it’s more convenient.

100, 200 g of flour is how much

And now we will present you a plate that will allow you to measure 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 125, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 175, 180, 200, 220 , 230, 250, 280, 300, 340, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700 g and even 1 kg of flour.

An original way to weigh 100 grams of flour, suitable for those housewives who are friends with geometry

Draw a rectangle on a blank sheet of paper with sides of 10 and 20 cm. On the larger sides, measure 2 centimeters each, put serifs and connect them with a straight line. Pour a kilogram of flour (it is not difficult to find such packaging in stores), distribute this amount within a 10 x 20 rectangle in an even layer, without going beyond its borders. Armed with a ruler or a knife with a long blade, separate the part of the flour that is in the 2 x 10 cm rectangle. The weight of this serving of flour will be equal to the required 100 grams.

Measuring glasses and kitchen scales have long moved into the “must have” category in the kitchen of every housewife, but at the same time, most people use the old grandmother’s way of measuring the mass of products: glasses and spoons. This is due to the fact that family recipes, inherited, for the most part, are recorded not in grams, but in the number of spoons and glasses.

Since it is increasingly clear with glasses, their volume is 200 and 250 ml for faceted and thin-walled, when they talk about a tablespoon and a teaspoon, they mean that 15 and 5 ml of liquid are placed in them, respectively.

Without a real faceted (thin-walled) glass on hand, you can use any other cup or mug that is equal in volume. You can check the amount of milliliters of liquid that will fit in a measuring cup (mug) using a measuring beaker.

Pivot tables, which indicate weight measures in spoons and glasses, will help you weigh the required amount of food for a new dish or convert a recipe from your mother's cookbook into grams, if the hostess is more accustomed to using scales.

Different types of flour absorb different amounts of liquid, so each of them has its own density, and therefore mass per unit volume. To correctly measure the required amount of this product, you need to do this, observing certain rules:

  1. Before measuring, the product must be sifted through a sieve several times, this will allow you to break up lumps of stale grain product so as not to artificially increase the weight in the measuring container;
  2. You should never take flour to measure the mass in a glass by dipping. This contributes to the appearance of voids near the walls and reduces weight;
  3. Never tamp flour in a glass. So you can increase its weight in a thin-walled 250 ml glass to 210 grams instead of 160.

Measuring cereals with glasses and spoons, they are poured into the glass “under the knife”, when a hill is removed from the glass filled to the top with a knife, but a small hill should remain in the spoons. These products also cannot be compacted, like flour.

When measuring nuts, it should be remembered that chopped kernels (not crushed) are more densely distributed in a glass, and therefore its weight will be greater. In this case, in recipes that require a certain number of grams, such as chopped peanuts, it is better to measure whole nuts, and then chop them.

Liquid dairy products should be poured into glasses, but viscous thick ones should be applied with a tablespoon, making sure that no voids form near the walls. To measure the weight with spoons, cottage cheese, thick sour cream, etc. are collected with a small slide.

Often, for baking, housewives use fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt or ryazhenka) in the dough that have already begun to ferment, in this case it is worth remembering that the specific gravity of such products will be lower.

Solid (animal) oils, in order to measure with glasses, must be melted to a liquid state, but soft, but not liquid oil is often measured with spoons.

Products in this category are most often measured with spoons, but since recipes their number is so small that other measures are used - a pinch and "on the tip of a knife." How much in grams cannot be established for certain, but we can definitely say that this is the amount of a bulk substance that fits between the thumb, middle and index fingers, collected in a pinch.

The mass of certain berries in a measuring vessel will depend on their size (small ones will settle more tightly and will weigh more) and how long ago they were collected. For example, fresh raspberries collected in a glass will settle a little the next day and, with their original weight, will occupy a smaller volume.

Finally, it is worth noting that the error of this method of measuring weight is from 4 to 6%. It is primarily affected by the content of water vapor in the air, since not only sugar, salt and flour, but also other products, when the humidity level rises by the same volume unit (glass, spoon), have more weight than under normal conditions .

Continuing the topic of how to measure any ingredient when there are no scales or a measuring cup, let's talk today how to measure flour in such a situation. Baking recipes very often indicate the amount of flour in grams. Experienced housewives, already reading the recipe, they can determine what kind of dough will turn out, how much flour is needed. But what about young people who are just starting to learn the basics of culinary arts? It's not worth getting upset. Flour, as well as sugar, can be measured with a glass or spoon. And, conversely, if it is indicated how many glasses you need, you can convert to grams. Usually when they talk about a glass, they mean faceted glass. We use it more often and this measure of measurement was inherited from our grandmothers.

How to measure flour without scales with a glass

A faceted glass comes with and without a rim. A glass with a rim contains 250 ml of liquid. And in a glass without a rim - 200 ml. From this we will proceed.

If flour is poured into a faceted glass with a rim to the very edge, then there will be 160 grams of ordinary premium wheat flour in it.

In a glass without a rim of the same flour, there will be only 130 grams, or more precisely, 128 grams.

The same amount, i.e. 130 grams, it will be if you pour flour into a glass up to the rim.

When baking pies or buns, it is certainly more convenient to use a glass from measuring flour. In such flour recipes, usually 400 or more grams are required. What to do if there is no faceted glass? But there is still some kind of glass in the house or a cup for tea.

Let's say you have a glass of 180 ml. To calculate how much flour will be in such a glass, you need 180x160/250, where 180 is the volume of our glass. 160 is the weight of flour in a faceted glass with a rim and 250 is the volume of a faceted glass. You can calculate based on the volume of a faceted glass without a rim.

How to measure flour without scales with a spoon

Using a spoon to measure flour for a pie takes much longer. But this way is quite acceptable. I have a special sieve in the form of a mug for sifting flour. It’s more convenient for me to pour flour into it with a spoon.

A tablespoon (deep, not flat) of flour will contain approximately 20 grams. Why approximately? If you scoop up with such a slide, as in the photo, then 20 grams.

If the slide is higher, and the flour is not sugar and does not fall off the spoon, then flour can be scooped up from about 25 to 40 grams.

With the same not big slide in a teaspoon of flour will be about 10 grams. But a teaspoon of flour is usually required to be measured only if for a face mask and then oatmeal or potato.

Now many have multicookers or bread makers. They usually come with a measuring cup. Usually they are small. I have a glass with a capacity of 100 ml for a multicooker. They can also measure flour, knowing that 64 grams of flour will intervene in 100 ml.

Wheat flour of the second grade, from which bread is usually baked, practically does not differ in weight. Therefore, you can measure it using these methods.

If you want to cook something tasty and healthy, people often come across the fact that the components of the dish in the recipes are presented in grams. Products are solid, liquid, bulk, viscous, etc. How to measure those same grams? Experienced housewives have already solved this problem.

The ratio of weight and volume

From the school course it is known that different substances have different densities, and, therefore, the same weight can occupy a different volume.

Not everyone in the kitchen has food scales, and they are not always useful. For example, weighing 50 g of flour or 70 g of rice is not very convenient and takes a lot of time. If you follow the recipe and measure the right grams with the help of scales, cooking will take so much time that not a single housewife will be satisfied with the results of her work, even if the dish turns out delicious.

As a rule, accuracy is required when experimenting with new dishes, as well as when dieting and fasting days. What is already known and covered is usually done by eye, i.e. experience comes with practice.

But what about those who start something new? For these, there is a measured table, which shows how much volume a certain amount of bulk products takes up.

What is the most common way to measure food in the kitchen? Yes, with what is at hand - spoons, glasses, jars, etc. From this they proceeded when compiling the table. Keeping it in front of your eyes and, if necessary, periodically addressing it is convenient and useful.


The measuring table shows how much volume is occupied by 100 g of bulk products, and not in milliliters, liters, etc., but in spoons and glasses.

Product teaspoon, g Tablespoon, g Faceted glass (200 g), g
Salt 10 30 260 325
Sugar 12 30 160 200
Soda 12 28 160 200
Powdered milk 5 20 95 120
Lemon acid 10 30 250 300
Gelatin powder 5 15 - -
Starch 10 30 130 160
Powdered sugar 8 25 140 190
Poppy 5 15 125 155
Cocoa 7 20 - -
Ground coffee 10 20 - -
Wheat flour 10 25 130 160
Rye flour 10 25 140 170
Rice 7 20 150 180
Semolina 7 25 160 200
Buckwheat 7 25 170 210
Millet 8 25 180 220
Oat flakes "Hercules" 6 12 70 90
Peas shelled 10 25 185 230
Corn grits 7 20 145 180
Barley groats 7 20 145 180
Pearl barley 8 25 175 230
Sago 7 20 150 180
Crackers ground 5 15 110 125
Beans 10 30 175 220

A similar table for spices also does not hurt, only spices are usually measured in smaller volumes.

Berries are often measured by volume. Table.

Berries teaspoon, g Tablespoon, g Faceted glass (200 g), g Thin tea glass (250), g
Strawberry - 25 120 150
Raspberries - 30 145 180
Cherry - - 130 165
Cherries - - 130 165
Red currants - 30 140 175
Black currant - 25 125 155
Gooseberry - 35 165 210
Fresh blueberries - 35 160 200
Dried blueberries - 15 110 130
Cranberry - 25 115 145
Cowberry - 20 110 140
Blackberry - 30 150 190
Blueberry - 35 160 200
Dried rosehip 6 20 - -
Raisin - 25 130 165

Many people like to use such a healthy and tasty product as nuts in cooking. Table.

Some subtleties

Data on the ratio of volume and weight of bulk products may not seem accurate enough. The fact is that in the kitchen we use the dishes that are at hand. The teaspoons and tablespoons we use can vary greatly in size and capacity. For example, there are teaspoons with a volume of 2.5 and 5 ml, there are dessert spoons with 10 ml. Tablespoons also differ in variety. There are large tablespoons with a ladle 7 cm long and 4 cm wide - they hold 18 ml of water. There are very small ones, with a scoop 5 cm long, they hold 12 ml of volume. There are medium ones - with a volume of 15 ml.

The faceted glass, which is present in the table as a container, has long since sunk into the past. Not everyone even knows what he looked like. We are guided by the fact that it contained 200 ml of water. Today, many teacups hold the same volume.

To concretize the declared measures of volume, which the table contains, we will take the following values:

  • A teaspoon - 5 ml.
  • Tablespoon - 15 ml (or 3 teaspoons).
  • Faceted glass - 200 ml (13 tablespoons or 40 teaspoons);
  • Standard glass (thin tea) - 250 ml (1.25 faceted glass, or 17 tablespoons, or 50 teaspoons).

Guided by these measures of volume, you can choose the dishes that will most closely match the specified ratios. It is not difficult to find convenient containers for bulk products that meet the necessary criteria at home. When choosing, if necessary, it is better to use weights and measurements.

Today, on the shelves of stores there is a large assortment of various measuring containers for products - glass, plastic, etc., with a volume of several milliliters and more. Such a purchase will not be expensive, but it will be very useful for the kitchen. Measuring containers for products are able to replace kitchen scales and make household chores easier.

Being engaged in culinary creativity, you need to be careful in everything and not to rush. In the process of cooking, do not forget about the rules by which it is necessary to measure bulk products:

  1. Pour the product into the measuring container carefully, with light movements, do not tamp it.
  2. Measuring container for products must be dry and clean.
  3. All calculations in the table assume that bulk products are poured into a measuring container “without a slide”.

Using such a useful tool as the proposed measuring table, you can easily cope with any recipe, save your time and effort. And let the result please you and your loved ones.

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