How to measure flour in grams without scales. Using a spoon to measure the amount of flour

The Internet today is simply full of all kinds of recipes, including various baked goods. In many of them, the amount of necessary products is given in grams, which presents some difficulties for inexperienced chefs and pastry chefs. Of course, it would be good for such cases to have electronic scales, which are characterized by high accuracy and the ability to determine the mass of even a very small amount of matter - up to several grams. But if they are not there and there is no way to buy? How then to measure the required amount of ingredients? In fact, nothing is easier. It is enough just to know the capacity of some cutlery, spoons, glasses, etc. Here are some guidelines.

Of course, the easiest way is to measure the product by eye. Many experienced housewives do just that. To do this, you need to have a good eye, as well as know the capacity of the pack. But there is one catch. If you have a package weighing 1 kg at your disposal, then it will not be difficult to measure half a kilo. Although, in any case, the result will not be the most accurate. It will be much more difficult to cope with such a task when it is required to separate 275 g of flour from a package weighing 1.5 kg. No eye will help here. In such cases, it is recommended to resort to more accurate measurement methods.

Baking recipes tend to use a lot of flour. In such cases, the most ordinary faceted glass will be the ideal measuring tool. Before use, it should be washed and then wiped thoroughly with a dry towel made of a cloth that absorbs water well. If this is not done, then the flour will stick to the walls and this will create certain difficulties. So, scoop up flour with a prepared glass so that it fills a container with a slide. Then, using a knife, carefully remove the slide. After all the manipulations have been done, about 150 g of flour will remain in the glass. The error of this method of measurement is very small - plus or minus 5 g, which is just an insignificant difference in comparison with the volumes required for baking.

The disadvantage of this method is that it can only measure volumes of round values ​​in increments of 150 g, that is, 150, 300, 450, etc. A small room for maneuver opens when there are risks on the order book, that is, a special horizontal line.

If you fill a glass with liquid up to this mark, then you get exactly 200 ml, but if you measure out flour - 130 g. However, operating with these two values ​​- 150 and 130 g, it is unlikely that it will be possible to measure, for example, 250 g or 110 g. Therefore, the most correct a way to purchase a special measuring cup, on the transparent wall of which divisions are applied, allowing you to very accurately determine the amount of products poured into it. Today, there is a large assortment of such products in hardware stores. Moreover, they can be used to measure not only flour, but also any bulk or liquid products.

Sometimes only one type of graduation is applied to the measuring cups, designed to determine the volume of liquid. Of course, you can measure flour using such a container. To do this, it is enough to know the density of the substance, which, when multiplied by the volume, gives the mass. The density of flour is such that 1 ml of volume contains 0.65 g. Thus, 100 ml is 65 g of flour. This method has two significant drawbacks.

First, it is required to perform calculations, albeit very simple, but still.

Secondly, on measuring glasses, there are mainly divisions corresponding to round numbers. For example, if you need to measure 75 g of flour, then this will be 115 ml. It is unlikely that you will find a corresponding division on the scale.

Also, flour is used not only for baking, but also in other recipes. For example, for breading or giving a mixture of liquid products of the desired thickness and viscosity. In such cases, the amount of flour given in the recipes is limited to a small mass - from 10 to 50 g, therefore, it is better to use spoons for measuring - a table or a teaspoon.

In the first case, first you have to pick up a spoon, the dimensions of which meet generally accepted standards, because today every manufacturer strives to develop its own original design. As a result, the volume of tablespoons can vary greatly. At the same time, there is a certain standard for such products, and when a tablespoon is mentioned in recipes as a measure of weight and volume, it should be remembered that generally accepted sizes are meant. It is not necessary for us to know all the proportions, it is enough that the scooping container should be 7 cm in length. Such a tablespoon, filled with a slide, holds 15 g. If the volume of flour is leveled with a knife along the edges, that is, remove the mountain, then 10 g of flour will remain in the spoon. Another important detail, if in a recipe the required amount of flour is indicated immediately in tablespoons, then it means spoons with slides.

If you need to measure out a very small amount of flour, then a teaspoon will be the best assistant - the length of the scooping part is 5 cm. If you fill such a cutlery with flour with a slide, you get 12 g. Without a slide, a teaspoon holds 7 g. Although slides are different ...

Skilled chefs can stick to a recipe by adding all the right ingredients by eye, intuitively calculating how much flour or sugar is needed. But sometimes you need to follow the recipe in detail, otherwise a complex dish may not turn out as planned. If you don't have a cup with marks or weights at hand, you can measure the proportions using ordinary dishes.

How to determine the weight of products without scales

Previously, measuring instruments were a rarity, chefs knew how to determine proportions with what was at hand. This science was quite accurate: homemade baked goods, complex desserts, multi-component dishes turned out well. Therefore, the "weighing" method without scales can be applied today. Popular utensils that will work:

  • Soviet faceted glass - it is made according to the standard and serves as an excellent yardstick;
  • any glass made of thin glass: first determine its volume, it is indicated on the bottom;
  • tea, dessert and tablespoons;
  • cans of different sizes - for measuring ingredients in a large volume.

A measure of the weight of products without scales or at home is determined using glasses, spoons or jars of the correct volume. These aids can be used both for bulk products such as cereals or spices, and for any others: just check the measurement table. All ingredients have their own density, so they will have different weights. For example, a thin 250 ml glass will fit 350 grams of berry puree and only 50 corn flakes. By memorizing the parameters of the ingredients you use most often, you can determine the right proportions by eye.


Liquid products also have different densities and, accordingly, weight. A tablespoon of butter or syrup will be much heavier than the same volume of water.

Converting gramme into tablespoons and glasses is more difficult than it sounds: you need to take into account the mass of the ingredient, its density and properties. Fruits and vegetables are best measured with glasses, spices - with teaspoons, and bulk products can be measured with both. With a large mass of ingredients - for example, for jam - you can use glass jars of different sizes.

The parameters of the same food may vary: eggs are not always the same size, fruits and vegetables may be more watery or dry. So there is always a risk of error. When making soups or hot, proportions are not critical, but in a delicate process like baking, keeping the correct amount of ingredients is very important. If you overdo it with moisture, the dough will come out heavy, sticky and poorly baked. And vice versa: if you do not add water, then the bread will not be so fluffy, it will begin to crumble, and the baking and fermentation process will take longer.

Not only the capacity is important, but also the amount of the product that you add to it. A table spoon with a slide will weigh a little more than without.

Weights and measures table

In order to make the calculations more convenient, you can focus on a special table, which indicates the gramme of different dishes. The capacity of the glass can be found on the bottom, and the standard faceted glass of the USSR sample is always the same. Product measures for spoons are shown flat.

Products Glasses Spoons
thin-walled, 250 ml faceted, 200 ml Canteen Tea room
Granulated sugar 200 160 20 5
Coarse salt 355 275 24 7
Fine salt 400 320 30 10
Starch 155 130 25 7
Powdered sugar 190 140 21 6
Wheat flour 160 130 24 7
Millet 220 180 21 6
Rice 245 185 24 7

With the help of dishes, you can measure not only bulk cereals, sugar and salt, but also ordinary products, the volume of which you need to know for some recipes. It should be borne in mind that the parameters may differ: so for the most accurate measurements, it is best to use a balance. But if mathematical precision is not that important, then this method will also work. Approximate calculations are shown in the table.

Products Glasses Spoons
Thin-walled, 250 ml Faceted, 200 ml Canteen Tea room
Milk 250 200 15 5
Cream 10% 250 200 15 5
Sour cream 20% 260 210 25 10
Water 250 200 15 5
Jam 320 265 35 15
Peanut 175 140 25 8
Beans 220 190 23 6
Strawberry 150 120 25
Currant 155 125 25 8
Blueberry 200 160 35
Egg white 253 207
Egg yolk 276 230

Some measurements are more convenient to carry out individually. For example, in one egg - 50-60 grams, the yolk weighs about 20, the rest is white. An average apple is 200 g, a medium cucumber, potatoes and a tomato weigh 100 g each. It is easier with products bought in the supermarket: you just need to divide the total weight by the number of ingredients and you will get the average weight of one piece.

Alternative ways

To find out the exact weight of food in a container, the volume of which is unknown to you, use the following rule: take an accurate measuring device (faceted glass, tablespoon) and count exactly how many grams of food are included in the dish you need. Having performed the operation once, you can fix the approximate volume and use a convenient container as a measuring one.

Another method is based on the mass of the product and an equal volume of water. To do this, you need to take two large containers of different volumes, so that one can freely enter the other. Put a kilogram of sugar or buckwheat in a smaller one, and then put it in a large one and fill the free space with water to the very edge. As soon as you take out the "control" container - you will get the volume of one kilogram of bulk product. The mark at half of this level will be equal to 500 grams.

How to measure products correctly

How you measure the ingredients is important. If you are inaccurate, the result may not be what you expected, even if at first glance you did everything right. To make your calculations accurate, fill the food correctly:

  • liquids - pour into the desired dish to the brim;
  • apply syrups, viscous liquids with a spoon, filling the container;
  • transfer light free-flowing ingredients gradually so that holes do not form;
  • measure dry cereals;
  • do not wash meat, fish, vegetables that absorb moisture well.

Any change in the properties of products affects their weight. If the room is very humid, then the salt and sugar will become saturated with water and become heavy. The fermentation process in fermented milk products makes them easier. You should also not condense the ingredients: this can increase the weight several times by the same volume.


Sift flour after measurement. It is saturated with oxygen, increases in volume, becoming more lush and airy, so the calculations will not be entirely correct.

Sometimes in recipes, especially if you like to cook according to the precepts of foreign chefs, there are other measures that differ from the usual ones. The mentions of dishes are also different: if we have a "glass", then there is more often a "cup".

To figure out the quantity and translate everything into the usual grammar, it is enough to check the list:

  • a cup (in America) - 250 g;
  • cup (England) - 280 g;
  • pint - 470 g;
  • ounce - 30 g;
  • quart - 950

You can prepare a dish with ideal proportions without a kitchen scale. The usual dishes can always come to the rescue, and an experienced housewife knows how to determine the right amount by eye. In order for the measurements to be correct, you should be careful about how you fill the containers: do not tamp, do not loosen the ingredients, fill the space tightly, but not too much. All foreign grammes can be converted into the usual ones, and the volume of dishes can be measured using spoons. But for convenience and simplicity, it is better to purchase a special measuring cup or scales - this will make cooking easier, more pleasant and faster.

Cooking recipes are complete listing the components of the weight measurement. At the same time, not every housewife has a household kitchen scale. Therefore, it is simply necessary to know how many grams of flour are in a tablespoon.

The lack of flour during baking is immediately noticeable: the product loses its shape, spreading over the surface. And the excess of the component becomes the cause of the dryness of the final dish.

When preparing gravy, you can adjust the amount of flour powder "by eye" by adding the sauce to the required thickness. But this method is not suitable for making cakes, where an exact ratio of ingredients is required. Therefore, it is advisable to constantly keep with you a table of the weight of the main products, where it is calculated how many grams of flour powder corresponds to the volume of a tablespoon, a teaspoon, a glass, a cup.

The information on the Internet is very diverse. The dining room accommodates according to some sources 20-25 grams, counting flush with the edges and with a slide, according to others - 10-15 grams. How to determine who is right?

It turns out that there are 3 ways to measure the desired weight:

  1. Spoon the loose composition from a large container, shaking the cutlery slightly a couple of times. The result is 25 g of premium flour. If you do not shake, but leave the slide - 30-35 g, level the level with the edges - 20 g.
  2. Pour in bulk material - 20, 25, 15 grams, respectively.
  3. Pour the sifted ingredient into the cutlery - the weight is reduced by another 5 g, respectively.

The weight of the flour powder depends on the type of grinding. The smaller the fraction of particles (premium grade), the heavier they are.

Also, the amount of substance in a tablespoon is affected by:

  • moisture or flowability of the flour preparation;
  • the type of ground components (potato, corn, oat, rye and other initial products);
  • the capacity of the cutlery itself (the standard is considered to be a device 7 cm long and 4 cm wide).

Control measurements are carried out at an ambient temperature of 0 ° C, atmospheric pressure of 760 mm Hg. Art. It is simply unrealistic to achieve such conditions when cooking at home, therefore, the term "tablespoon of flour" means the amount of product that is freely poured and held without crumbling. That means with a small slide.

We measure out powder without scales

Various culinary recipes mention a variety of measures for the powder: a tablespoon or teaspoon, a glass, grams. In order not to get confused, you need to choose a certain size for yourself and transfer all weight categories to one dimension. It is more convenient to use the dining room and the tea room.

Even using the same recipe, several housewives get dishes that are quite different in taste and appearance. Therefore, it is advisable to remember the most successful masterpiece in order to determine how much flour powder should be collected in a spoon.

When they mention a glass, they usually mean a standard still Soviet glass container, which holds exactly 250 ml of water if poured full. A glass filled to the rim holds 200 ml. If flour is poured flush with the edges, its weight is about 160 g, if along the rim - 130 g.

When you need to measure 500 g of a substance, then it is not very convenient to count as instruments or glasses. Therefore, savvy housewives use the following method:

  • purchase a paper kilogram bag of any kind of product in the store;
  • measure the height of the package with a ruler;
  • halve the result, marking the strip directly on the bag;
  • carefully cut the package at the intended risk;
  • now each half contains approximately the same amount of the component - half a kilo.

It is convenient to use a special plastic transparent cup, on the wall of which the weight measures of common products are applied: flour, sugar, salt, water. But it is also advisable to fill such a container from above with a substance, and not scoop the product from a bag or jar.

How much flour can a faceted glass or cup hold?

Bulk products weigh less than water in a container of the same volume. According to the table of measures and weights, a 250 ml glass contains 155-160 g of flour powder. These tables have been obtained experimentally, and even experienced chefs adhere to generally accepted values ​​when preparing food.

If we average the weight of the powder in a canteen with a small slide, we get 20 g of a free-flowing product. This means that an ordinary faceted glass (without a smooth rim) holds 6.5 (130 g) tablespoons of the highest grade flour substance (wheat).

American or English cuisine operates with cups, the volume of which is 250 ml, and the weight of the product is 160 g. By arithmetic, we calculate: we divide 160 g by 20 g. As a result, the cup holds 8 tbsp. spoons of flour product.

Weighing using improvised containers has a measurement error of about 10%. If very precise observance of the weight category is required, it is recommended to use a kitchen scale.

How much flour fits in a teaspoon

It happens that even the dining room is too large a measure. At the same time, it is not very convenient to divide the content into several parts. A smaller measure comes to the rescue - a teaspoon. The principle of filling the cutlery is identical to the larger one. It is recommended to pour the powder into the container, and not scoop it up. Otherwise, the value of the measured substance is lost.

The 5 ml teapot contains 4 g of product when counted flush with the edges. With a small slide, the value increases to 8-10 g. To fill a glass with flour, you need to measure out 16 teaspoons of a bulk product.

If, according to the recipe, it is recommended to sift the powder, the event is carried out after measuring the required amount of the component. The sifted flour takes up a larger volume due to the enrichment of the product with air, so it does not completely fit into the measuring container.

The result is that the amount invested turns out to be less than that provided for in the recipe.

We measure with a spoon

A tablespoon is a versatile tool that can be used to measure almost any amount of flour product. In this case, you should try to pour the same portions. The event is simple, if a small number of measured doses are required. But to measure out more than 10 spoons, there is a little difficulty. The way out is to remember how many spoons a glass, a cup, a can contains. Then cooking according to the recipe will cease to burden with endless dimensions.

For the preparation of dishes with the addition of flour, it is advisable to use containers with a known volume. In this case, you need to remember the table of correspondence between the number of ml and the weight of flour in grams:

  • a 100 ml container holds 65 g of a flour product (3 tablespoons and a small pinch);
  • 150 ml contains about 100 g (5 tablespoons);
  • 180 ml container holds 115 g of flour (almost 6 tablespoons);
  • 200 ml - 130 g (6.5 tablespoons);
  • 250 ml - 160 g = 8 tbsp. spoons;
  • 300 ml of flour weighs 200 g (10 full tablespoons).

Knowing the ratio of the volume and weight of products, it is always possible to calculate how many spoons of flour you need to make homemade delicacies.

How to measure 100 g of flour by geometry

Many effective ways have been invented and tested on how to measure more or less accurately 100 g of flour required by the recipe:

  1. Fill 5 standard spoons: 5x 20 g = 100 g. The method is the most frequently used.
  2. Pour 1 kg of flour product into a measuring container with vertical transparent walls. Measure the height of the filled composition and divide the value by 10 parts. Put lines that are clearly visible with a felt-tip pen. Pour flour into 1 division - this will be the desired 100 g of the product.
  3. Use a faceted glass, pouring 2/3 of the powder into it.
  4. Spread a sheet of thick paper on the table and draw a 10x20 cm rectangle on it.Make 2-3 cm high sides along the edges. Draw a distance of 2 cm from the edge with a figure width of 10 cm.Distribute 1 kg of flour over the plane, keeping the surface level without elevations and depressions. Use a knife or spatula to separate part of the product along the drawn line. This amount of the component corresponds to a weight of 100 g.

Even without a kitchen scale, you can always find a way to measure the right amount of flour according to the chosen recipe. The main thing is to show ingenuity and ingenuity. When cooking at home, it is advisable to have permanent measuring containers, with the help of which you can conveniently and more or less accurately measure the weight of the ingredients specified in the recipe.

How to measure flour without scales

The successful preparation of most dishes depends on the exact proportions of the ingredients indicated in the recipe. Most often, the weight of products is indicated in grams. But how to define it at home? Our table of measures and weights will come to the rescue.

How many grams of flour are in one thin glass? And in a faceted one? How much does a teaspoon of mustard or a tablespoon of honey weigh? What is the weight of a medium onion or potato? All this can be found out without worrying about the scales, but simply look at the table of measures and weights of products.

Before determining the weight of products, you should familiarize yourself with certain rules. If you do not follow them, you will not be able to accurately measure the amount of food you need.

  1. Glasses and spoons are completely filled with liquid products (vegetable oil, milk).
  2. Viscous (jam, condensed milk, sour cream) and loose (flour, cereals) are scooped up with spoons and placed in a glass "with a slide."
  3. Loose products must not be tamped or loosened.

The capacity of the dishes for measuring the weight of products is as follows:

  • thin (tea) glass - 250 cm 3
  • faceted glass - 200 cm 3
  • 1 teaspoon = 16.5 tbsp = 50 tsp
  • 1 faceted st. = 13 tbsp = 40 tsp

Liquid and viscous products


Product weight in grams

thin st.

faceted st.


Melted butter

Melted margarine

Vegetable oil

Condensed milk

Melted butter

Tomato paste

Fruit puree

Whole milk

Cereals and flakes


Product weight in grams

thin st.

faceted st.



Pearl barley

Barley grits


Oat flakes

Wheat flakes

Bulk products


Product weight in grams

thin st.

faceted st.


Gelatin (powder)

Cocoa powder

Potato flour

Corn flour

Citric acid (crystals)

Split peas

Ground cloves

Ground cinnamon

Ground crackers

Ground coffee

Ground pepper


Cut sugar

Baking soda

Wheat flour

Granulated sugar

Powdered sugar

Dry tea

Powdered milk


How to measure weight without scales

Vegetables and fruits


Product weight in grams

thin st.

faceted st.





Parsley root


Dried mushrooms

Black currant



How to determine the weight of a shepherd dog without weights

It often happens that at the right moment there are no scales at hand, but it is necessary to measure a certain amount of grams of food. In order not to guess, a table of measures of weight and volume of products was invented, which helps to determine the amount of required ingredients without using measuring equipment. In order to measure this or that product, you must use a glass, a tablespoon or a teaspoon. Based on the volume of these cutlery in every kitchen, the weight of the food can be calculated without using a kitchen scale. Only the so-called culinary standards of weights and measures are involved. This method is very common in cooking.

Weights and measures table

A measure of the weight of products in grams

ProductThin glass - 250 gFaceted glass - 200 gTablespoon - 18 gTeaspoon - 5 g
Legumes ↴
Shelled peas230 185 - -
Unshelled peas200 175 - -
Beans220 175 - -
Lentils210 170 - -
Mushrooms ↴
Dried mushrooms100 80 10 4
Cereals ↴
Hercules90 70 12 3
Buckwheat210 170 25 8
Corn groats180 145 20 6
Semolina200 160 25 8
Oat groats170 135 18 5
Pearl barley230 185 25 8
Wheat groats180 145 20 6
Millet groats220 180 25 8
Rice groats230 185 25 8
Barley groats180 145 20 6
Rice230 180 25 8
Sago180 160 20 6
Oatmeal140 110 22 6
Cornflakes50 40 7 2
Oat flakes100 80 14 4
Wheat flakes60 50 9 2
Oils and fats ↴
Melted margarine230 180 15 4
Melted animal butter240 185 17 5
Vegetable oil225 180 17 5
Butter- - 60 30
Melted butter245 195 20 8
Ghee butter240 185 20 8
Ghee lard245 205 20 8
Milk and dairy products ↴
Kefir250 200 18 5
Curd mass- - 18 6
Milk250 200 18 5
Condensed milk300 220 30 12
Powdered milk120 95 20 10
Ryazhenka250 200 18 5
Cream250 210 25 10
Sour cream 10%250 200 20 9
Sour cream 30%250 200 25 11
Diet cottage cheese- - 20 7
Fat cottage cheese- - 17 6
Soft cottage cheese- - 20 7
Low-fat cottage cheese- - 17 6
Flour and flour products ↴
Pasta230 190 - -
Potato flour180 150 30 10
Corn flour160 130 30 10
Wheat flour160 130 25 8
Drinks ↴
Water250 200 18 5
Cocoa powder- - 15 5
Ground coffee- - 20 7
Liquor- - 20 7
Juices250 200 18 5
Dry tea- - 3 -
Nuts ↴
Peeled peanuts175 140 25 8
Cedar140 110 10 4
Almond160 130 30 10
Crushed nuts120 90 20 7
Hazelnut170 130 30 10
Seasonings ↴
Gelatin- - 15 5
Citric acid (crystalline)- - 25 8
Potato starch160 130 12 6
Poppy155 120 15 4
Powdered sugar190 140 25 10
Baking soda- - 28 12
Ground crackers130 110 20 5
Tomato paste- - 30 10
Vinegar250 200 15 5
Sweets ↴
Jam- - 45 20
Jam- - 40 15
Honey415 330 30 9
Jam- - 36 12
Fruit puree350 290 50 17
Sauces ↴
Mustard- - - 4
Mayonnaise230 180 15 4
Tomato sauce220 180 25 8
Spices ↴
Ground cloves- - - 3
Unmilled cloves- - - 4
Ground cinnamon- - 20 8
Allspice (peas)- - - 5
Ground pepper- - - 5
Black pepper (peas)- - - 6
Saw sugar200 140 - -
Granulated sugar200 160 25 8
Salt325 260 15 10
Dried fruits ↴
Raisin165 130 25 -
Dried apples70 55 - -
Berries ↴
Cowberry140 110 - -
Cherry165 130 - -
Blueberry200 160 - -
Blackberry190 150 - -
Strawberry170 140 25 5
Strawberry150 120 25 -
Cranberry145 115 - -
Gooseberry210 165 - -
Raspberries180 145 - -
Rowan fresh160 130 25 8
Red currants175 140 - -
Black currant155 125 - -
Cherries165 130 - -
Blueberry200 160 - -
Mulberry195 155 - -
Rosehip dry- - 20 6
Eggs ↴
Egg powder100 80 25 10
Egg without shell6 pcs- - -
Egg whites11 pcs9 pcs- -
Egg yolk12 pcs10 pieces- -

When calculating weight, it is necessary to remember some peculiarities. For example, when measuring bulk products, it should be borne in mind that they tend to be compacted. This is especially true of flour, which can have different densities. When measuring flour, you do not need to try to tamp it, and, on the contrary, you should not sift the flour before placing it in a glass. Otherwise, in the first case, too much product will fit into a faceted or thin glass, and in the second, the oxygen-enriched flour will become airy and will fit less than indicated in the table. Also, one of the features of such products is that they can create voids when scooped up. Therefore, they must be poured gradually.

When measuring high viscosity foods such as jams, condensed milk or honey, remember to measure them by filling a glass or a heaping spoon. The same applies equally to bulk products. Also, when measuring liquids, for example milk, it is necessary to fill the dishes or cutlery completely, to the very brim. In other words, regardless of the product, you should try to apply more. Measurements do not need to be taken with spoons or glasses. You can use any other utensil, having previously measured its volume. However, even when measuring by standard means, before using glasses or spoons, it will not be superfluous to find out their volume in order to make sure that further measurements are correct. The volume taken as a basis is indicated in the table. It is necessary to measure with water.

Using these measurements of weight in spoons or glasses, it is worthwhile to understand that this method is approximate and depends on a number of factors, including the composition of the product, moisture and even freshness. Nevertheless, the culinary comparison table of weights and measures is a universal assistant for measuring when it is impossible or unwilling to use technical means.